Refillable products continue to grow in popularity, making it easier to go greener while saving money.

Laurie and Jonathan Ebanks.

Designed to reduce single-use plastic consumption, a refillery offers the option of reusing and refilling containers with household and personal care products again and again – saving plastics and packaging from ending up in the landfill.

Laurie and Jonathan Ebanks launched Cayman’s first refillery in July of 2023 at their retail store, Staged, located at Country Corner in Savannah.

“The ever-growing landfill problem here in Grand Cayman is not something that one person or one company can solve, but this is our way of providing an eco-friendly zero-waste option for products we use daily that can help our customers and our environment one jar at a time,” says Laurie.

The Refillery carries everything from dish soap and multi-purpose cleaning concentrates to personal products such as tooth tablets, moisturisers, shampoo, conditioners, deodorant and essential oils.

“We also sell many zero-waste accessories like wool dryer balls, beeswax wraps, soy candle kits and much more,” she says.

Customers simply bring in their own clean, reusable containers – or purchase them at the store – and fill them with the products of their choice. The containers are weighed first, so consumers will only be charged for the product.



“By allowing customers to refill their own containers with products, refilleries significantly reduce single-use plastic waste, promoting a more sustainable lifestyle,” says Laurie. “This not only helps the environment by cutting down on plastic pollution but also saves customers money in the long run, through lower costs per unit.”

Among its most popular items are all-natural laundry, dish and hand soaps.

“They pair perfectly with our beautiful amber jars and pumps,” says Laurie. “This is an easy way to get started for most people new to the refillery concept. You can also bring in your own soap dispenser and fill it up on site.”

The shop’s product line is ever-expanding, and Laurie welcomes suggestions and feedback from customers. She says the response has been encouraging, with many of their regular customers – from single households to businesses to holiday accommodations – having their favourite products delivered to their door.

“We have received such an amazing and positive response from the Cayman community,” says Laurie. She hopes more businesses on-island will offer eco-friendly and nowaste products, as it all adds up.

“Making even a few small changes with eco-friendly products can have an impact on our homes and family’s well-being as well as the beautiful Cayman environment we love to enjoy,” she says.

This article appears in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of InsideOut magazine, now available at magazine stands around the island.